This is a Recipe for sweet and delicious Chickoo Halwa. A dessert preparation using chikoo as the main ingredient.
Sweet and Delicious Chickoo Halwa Preparation Time: 45 Minutes
Serves: 4 Persons
2 Cups Chickoo Pulp
1 ½ Cup Sugar
1 Cup Khoya [whole dried milk]
¼-Cup Cashew nuts small pieces
20 Pieces Cashew nuts, halved pieces
½ Teaspoon Cardamom Powder
In a frying pan, take the Chickoo Pulp and the Sugar together. Stir continuously with a wooden spoon on a slow flame until the Sugar melts and the mixture become thick. Add the Khoya and small pieces of the Cashew nuts. Mix it well on a slow flame until the mixture leaves the sides of the Vessel. Add the Cardamom Powder and mix it well. Cool a little. Make tall round and decorate with the halved Cashew nut pieces.
The Marathi language version of the Chickoo Halwa recipe in given in the article published – Here