Recipe for Shahi Palak

शाही पालक रेसीपी पालक म्हंटले की डोळ्याच्या समोर हिरवीगार जुडी येते. आपण बाजारात गेलो की पाले भाज्या पाहतो. मग मस्त हिरवी गार पालकची जुडी दिसली की आपण लगेच घेतो आपल्याला गरज नसेल तरी घेतो. पालकचे आपण वेगवगळे प्रकार बनवतो. पालक पनीर, डाळ पालक, बटाटा पालक, पालक पनीर पुलाव इ. पालक आपल्या आरोग्याच्या दृष्टीने हितव्ह आहे… Continue reading Recipe for Shahi Palak

Recipe for Maharashtrian Baingan ka Bharta

This is a Recipe for preparing at home Baingan ka Bharta or Brinjal ka Bharta or Vangyache Bharit. It is an traditional and authentic main course Maharashtrian recipe, which is very popular in the state of Maharashtra. A similar Maharashtrian Vangyache Bharit preparation with a slight variation is given in this – Article Preparation Time: 30… Continue reading Recipe for Maharashtrian Baingan ka Bharta

Recipe for Kanda or Onion Poha

Kande Pohe

This is a simple and easy to understand step-by-step recipe for preparing at home typical authentic Maharashtrian Style Kanda or Onion Poha. This is a traditional dish from Maharashtra, which is prepared using beaten Rice Flakes; it is called as Kande Pohe in the Marathi language. Kande Pohe is a very delicious and popular multipurpose… Continue reading Recipe for Kanda or Onion Poha