टेस्टी शिमला मिर्च सलाड: शिमला मिर्च सलाड हे अगदी वेगळ्या पद्धतीने बनवले आहे. अश्या प्रकारचे सलाड पौस्टिक आहे कारण की ह्यामध्ये खसखस, तीळ, सुके खोबरे, शेगदाणे कुट वापरला आहे. The English language version of the recipe and preparation method of this Shimla Mirch Salad can be seen here- Spicy Shimla Mirch Salad बनवण्यासाठी वेळ: २०… Continue reading Tasty Shimla Mirch Salad Recipe in Marathi
Category: Salad Recipes
Lal Kaddu Ka Raita for Fasting Days
This is a simple and easy Recipe for making at home healthy and nutritious Red Pumpkin Raita or Lal Kaddu Ka Raita as this Raita in called in the Hindi language especially for the Fasting Days. The Marathi language version of the preparation method of this Raita dish can be seen here – Red Pumpkin… Continue reading Lal Kaddu Ka Raita for Fasting Days
Red Pumpkin Fasting Raita Recipe in Marathi
लाल भोपळ्याचे उपवासाचे रायते: लाल भोपळा हा नवरात्रीच्या उपवासाच्या वेळेला चालतो. साबुदाण्याच्या खिचडी बरोबर किंवा रताळ्याच्या किसाच्या बरोबर हे रायते चवीस्ट लागते. लाल भोपळ्याचे रायते बनवायला सोपे व लवकर होणारे आहे. The English language version of the making of this Fasting Salad can be seen here- Lal Kaddu Ka Raita बनवण्यासाठी वेळ: १५ मिनिट वाढणी:… Continue reading Red Pumpkin Fasting Raita Recipe in Marathi
Recipe for Kelyachi Koshimbir
This is a simple to understand step-by-step Recipe for preparing at home Kelyachi Koshimbir/Raita/Salad for your family or for any kind of party. This Koshimbir used Bananas and other assorted fruits like Pomegranate and Apple along with Tomatoes and Curds as the main ingredients. The preparation of the Kelyachi Koshimbir takes hardly any time or… Continue reading Recipe for Kelyachi Koshimbir
Ananas Cheese Salad Recipe in Marathi
अननस चीज सलाड: अननस चीज सलाड ही एक फार चवीस्ट व दिसायला पण फार सुंदर दिसते. आपल्या घरी जेव्हा पार्टी असेल तेव्हा बनवा सगळ्यांना आवडेल. अननसामुळे सलाडला खूप छान सुगंध येतो व छान आंबटगोड चव पे येते. तसेच ह्यामध्ये काकडी व शिमला मिर्च वापरली आहे त्यामुळे छान रंगीत सलाड दिसते. अननस चीज सलाड बनवण्यासाठी वेळ:… Continue reading Ananas Cheese Salad Recipe in Marathi
Recipe for Santra-Paneer Salad
This is a simple recipe for preparing at home Orange or Santra – Paneer Salad. The Santra-Paneer Salad, which uses Paneer, Orange and Curds as the main ingredients, is a soothing and healthy Salad, which can be served with main course meals. It can also be a useful Salad, which is suitable for most kinds… Continue reading Recipe for Santra-Paneer Salad
Nourishing Salad Patta Koshimbir-Salad
This is a very basic and simple Salad recipe for preparing at home healthy and nutritious Salad Patta Koshimbir. Salad Patta or Lettuce Leaves are rich source of Vitamin A and hence they are most beneficial in removing all kinds of skin and hair related ailments. This is the reason why Lettuce leaves have always… Continue reading Nourishing Salad Patta Koshimbir-Salad