Recipe for basic White Sauce

Now here is a most easy recipe to prepare at home basic White sauce. This White Sauce recipe is very simple and basic, which will enable anyone to prepare it without much effort. The White Sauce has multiple uses and give that added flavour to a variety of dishes, including snacks and main course preparations.… Continue reading Recipe for basic White Sauce

Recipe for Tomato Sauce

I am giving a most simple and esy to follow recipe here for those of you who want to prepare Tomato sauce or Tamatar Ka Ketchup at home. Preparation Time: 45 Minutes Serves: 1 Kg. Ingredients 1 kg red tomatoes 50 grams Refined oil 150 grams chopped Onions 30 grams flour Salt and Pepper as… Continue reading Recipe for Tomato Sauce

Recipe for Maharashtrian Baingan Bharta -2

This Recipe is for preparing Baingan Bharta. This dish is called Vangyache Bharit in Marathi and considered to be an authentic Maharashtrian Speciality dish. Another version of the Maharashtrian Style Vangyache Bharit recipe in published in this – Article Preparation Time: 30 Minutes Serves: 4 Persons Ingredients 1 Table spoon Ghee 1 Tea spoon Cumin… Continue reading Recipe for Maharashtrian Baingan Bharta -2