This is a most simple recipe for preparing at home delicious, spicy and tasty Snack Bar Style Maharashtrian Pav Bhaji. Pav Bhaji is a most famous Indian Fast Food Snack, which is found in Snack Bars, Roadside Food Stalls and even upmarket restaurants all over India. Pav Bhaji is prepared specially for Breakfast / Children Birthday / Kitty Party.
Preparation Time: 45 Minutes
Serves: 4 Persons
4 Big Size Potatoes (Boiled & Smashed)
1 Cup Capsicum (Cut in Small pieces)
1 Cup Cauliflower (Cut in small pieces)
¼ Cup Green Peas
1 Big Onion (Cut in Small Pieces)
2 Big Tomatoes (Cut in Small Pieces)
1 Cup Coriander
4 Green Chilies (cut in Small Pieces)
1 Table spoon Ginger-Garlic Paste
1 Table spoon Lemon Juice
½ Table spoon Red Chili powder
1 Tea spoon Turmeric
1 Table spoon Pav-Bhaji Masala
Salt to taste
2 Laadi Pav [slab of buns]

First boil the Potatoes, Cauliflower and Green Peas separately.
Heats the oil in frying pan add Onion and fry till color change into pink.
Add Tomatoes, Green Chilies, Ginger-Garlic paste and Capsicum fry till cooked.
Then add Smashed Potatoes, Cauliflower Green Peas, Red Chili powder, Pav-Bhaji Masala, Salt. And 1 cup water.
Then add Butter, Coriander & lemon Juice and cook for 10-15 minutes on slow flame.
Take another frying pan put some butter and fry the pav and serve hot.
While serving decorate with Coriander, Onion, Tomatoes, lemon juice and butter.
The Marathi language version of this Pav Bhaji recipe can be seen here – Mumbai Pav Bhaji
To Make Pav Bhaji Masala at home, see the preparation method – Pav Bhaji Masala