This is a Recipe for preparing at home tasty Restaurant Style Strawberry Custard Apple Delight. A simple yet delicious Custard preparation recipe. A great Dessert addition for the main course.
The Marathi language version of this Dessert recipe and its preparation method can be seen here – Strawberry Custard Apple Delight for Dessert
Strawberry Custard Apple Delight Preparation Time: 40 Minutes
Serves: 4 Persons
½ Liter Milk
½ Cup Sugar
¼ Cup Bambino Savai [Vermicelli]
2 Table spoon Strawberry Pulp
2 Table spoon Custard Apple Pulp
1 Tea spoon Cardamom Powder

Boil Milk for 10 minutes on low flame. Then add Sugar and boil for 10 minutes. After that add Savai and cook for 5-7 minutes on low flame.
When it gets cold add Strawberry, Custard Apple pulp and Cardamom powder and mix it well and keep for cooling.