This is a Recipe for making at home appetizing Safarchand -Seb or Apple Soup. This is an uncommon soup recipe, which makes the use of green apples as the main ingredient.
Preparation Time: 30 Minutes
Serves: 4 Persons
5 Big size Green Apple
1 Small size Lemon (shred)
3 Tablespoon Cornflour
Sugar as per taste
Cinnamon as per taste

Wash and chop the Green Apple, shred the Lemon skin, dissolve the Corn flour in ½ cup of the Water.
In a medium size vessel add 3 Cups Water and chop the Apple pieces, shredded Lemon skin and cook for 10-12 minutes on a slow flame.
Then add the Cornflour and mix it well, keep stirring the mixture for 3-4 minutes on a slow flame.
Remove the mixture from the flame and keep it aside for cooling.
After cooling add the Sugar and grind into the mixture,
Then add the Cinnamon Powder and serve.