This is a Recipe for making at home healthy and nutritious Paneer Sandwich. This sandwich, which is prepared using a mixture of Paneer, Curds, Fresh Cream and Cheese as the main ingredients can be a filling breakfast dish or can be a great tiffin box meal for school going children.
The Marathi language version of the same Sandwich recipe can be seen here – Tasty Paneer Sandwich
Preparation Time: 20 Minutes
Serves: 4-5
1 Cup Paneer (shredded)
1 Tablespoon Curd
1 Tablespoon Fresh Cream
1 Tablespoon Mustard Seeds Powder
1 Green Chili (chopped)
1 Teaspoon Black Pepper Powder
Salt and Sugar as per taste
1 Medium size Onion (chopped)
1 Medium size Tomato (chopped)
1 Medium Cucumber (chopped)
¼ Cup Pomegranate Seeds
10-12 Raisins (soaked)
3 Tablespoon Cheese (shredded)
1 Tablespoon Coriander Leaves (chopped)
8-10 Bread Slices
¼ Cup Butter

Wash and chop the Onion, Tomato, Cucumber and mix it well.
Shred the Paneer and add the Curd, Fresh Cream, Muster Powder, Black Pepper Powder, Salt and Sugar as per taste and then add the Cheese and grind in a mixer to prepare the Paneer Mixture.
Apply the Butter over the Bread Slice and spread a tablespoon of the Paneer Mixture over the Butter, then spread the chopped Onion, Tomato, Cucumber, Pomegranate, Coriander Leaves and cover with another Bread slice and press it gently.
Slice the Paneer Sandwich into two parts.
Serve with Tea or Coffee.